Lucinda Dore Solicitors

Voluntary Interview Under Caution

We will do all that we can to get the right result for you.

Have you received a letter or phone call from the police, DWP, HMRC, local authority or any other regulatory body asking you to attend an interview under caution?

Lucinda Dore Criminal Solicitors know how worrisome that will be for you. We are here to help.

Solicitor representation for Voluntary Interview Under Caution

Lucinda Dore Solicitors have been representing clients facing interviews under cautions (also referred to as voluntary or PACE [Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984] interviews) for over 20 years. We specialise in providing expert personal legal representation on a private basis to ensure that you receive the level of attention that you will need at a time like this, we will be by your side from start to finish so that you don’t need to deal with the situation alone.

Our experience shows that seeking legal advice at the earliest opportunity often achieves the best outcome as we can ensure that you are fully advised and prepared for the interview, which is often an unknown experience. If instructed at an early stage, we will be able to contact the interviewer or investigator on your behalf in advance to obtain pre-interview disclosure which will often include part or all the evidence that they have (or don’t have) against you which will help us to advise you of all of your options at your interview. We will be able to attend the interview with you, so you do not need to attend alone.
Obtaining a solicitor is equally important if you have not done anything wrong – one of the biggest mistakes that we hear from clients is attending an interview under caution without a solicitor with fear that it will make them ‘look guilty if attend an interview with a solicitor’ – quite the opposite is usually the case.


You are entitled by law to have a solicitor represent you at your interview and it is important that you exercise this right. Sometimes we are able to persuade the investigators to take No Further Action at an early stage or deal with the matter out of court, even if this is not an option in your case, what you do or do not say in your interview will be referred to in court which may significantly affect any defence or mitigation that you wish to advance at the later court stage of your case. 

Frequently asked questions

  • What is an interview under caution?

    An interview under caution is a formal interview when you are suspected of having committed a criminal offence. This interview can be conducted ‘voluntarily’, or you may be under arrest.
    A voluntary interview means that you can leave the interview at any time and are not detained for the purpose of the interview. 
    The interview allows the investigator to ask you questions about your involvement in the offence and of course allows you the opportunity to put forward any defences or explanations that you have.
    The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 states that if the investigators or prosecutors seek to rely on what you say in the interview, they are required to re out the words of the police caution to you at the beginning of any interview and make sure that you understand it. The police caution is as follows:
    You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something that you may later rely on in court. What you do say may be given in evidence.”

  • Do I have to attend a voluntary interview under caution?

    If you do not attend a voluntary interview having been asked to do so, the police or investigators will decide how to proceed. You may be liable to arrest if they decide that an interview is imperative to enable them to properly investigate the case against you (the more serious the allegation against you, the more likely this is) or they may decide to instigate court proceedings without you having had the early opportunity to respond to the allegation. Our solicitors will be able to advise you whether it is in your best interests to attend the interview. 

  • What happens at an interview under caution?

    Our solicitors will be able to request pre interview disclosure from the police (the reason for the interview and the evidence that they do (or don’t) have against you. This will not be all the evidence, but they are obliged to provide your solicitor with sufficient information to enable us to sufficiently advise how best to proceed.
    If you are attending a voluntary interview which has been prearranged with notice, we are usually able to request disclosure before the interview date so that we can advise you in advance of the interview date and ensure that you are fully prepared for the interview. 
    If you have been arrested your solicitor will be provided with pre-interview disclosure shortly before the interview and we must be provided with sufficient time and a confidential space to enable us to advise you before the interview takes place. 
    During the interview, the police caution will be read out to you and explained by the interviewer and the allegation will be put to you. Depending on what you say in the interview, the nature of the allegation and the evidence against you the police, DWP, local authority or other relevant regulatory department will decide what further action they will take which may include one of the following options:
    - To take no further action against you - If you have admitted the offence, you may be eligible for a caution - avoiding court action- You may be released on bail or released under investigation pending further enquiries or - Court proceedings may be instigated against you.
    Every case is very different, our expert criminal solicitors will be able to advise you of the likely options available in your case.

Contact Lucinda Dore Solicitors

Contact Lucinda Dore Solicitors today for advice, assistance, and representation in relation to any allegation that you are facing, our experience enables us to provide assistance for any investigation no matter how minor or severe the allegation that you are facing. 

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Criminal Law & Local Authority Investigation

Voluntary Interview Under Caution Solicitors based in West Sussex and London, serving clients throughout the UK

Our expert solicitors know your questions. We have the answers. We can help you.